Friends who turned into sworn enemies / The lost drug load that started the vicious saga of murders between the Sadikaj-Papa clans

2024-08-28 19:15:27Fokus SHKRUAR NGA REDAKSIA VOX
Edmond Papa, Andrea Kalemi and Aleksandër Sadikaj

It is one of the wildest series of revenge, settlement of accounts, breaking of bargains and fierce fight for rivalry and territorial control of narco-trafficking between Albania and Greece and not only.

The fuse that ignited the conflict between members of the same group, once friends among themselves (at least until 2022 when they posed and dined together), was a load of 700 kilograms of hashish lost on the Albania-Greece axis about seven years ago , specifically that it had to be trafficked from Saranda to Athens by boat.

The organization allegedly appointed Edmond Pope (Hoxha) as a supervisor, with precedents in Britain, while Aleksandër Sadikaj, known as "Sanço", with previous precedents in Albania, as a deliverer.

The organization believed Sadikaj's version that the cargo was lost. Although the economic damage was great, the debate was closed, but only temporarily.

And the first crimes are suspected to have happened in 2019 in Athens, Greece, where it was reported about the murder of two young Albanians, who were believed to be the cargo couriers.

But this was not officially confirmed, and operational information remained that was linked to the voluminous file afterwards.

And the year 2022 would come when conflicts erupted bloody. It seemed that the cause was a dispute over another shipment of 100 kg of hashish that had been lost to the Pope.

A few days before he was killed, Aleksandër Sadikaj had dinner and slept at the Pope's "Blue Sky" hotel in Saranda, as they had been close friends for years. Sadikaj was the son of the aunt of Andrea (Adriatik) Kalemi, another name of the international drug trafficker, from Memaliaj, also a friend of the Pope.

And on June 11, a few days after returning from Saranda, Sadikaj is killed in a car bomb attack.

Behind the vengeful saga is suspected to be the boss of the cartel, an Albanian, from a Greek prison, who asked to settle accounts for the loss of the cargo, as suspicions against Sadikaj for "work behind the back" grew.

And so far there are 5 people killed for revenge between separate groups in the last two years, 2 more innocent (a waiter and a local customer), as well as 2 not officially confirmed five years ago, who are considered the first victims of revenge chain.

June 11, 2022, Aleksandër Sadikaj is killed in a bomb attack

Aleksandër Sadikaj, also known by the nickname "Sanço", is killed in an explosion with a remote-controlled bomb. The 27-year-old, originally from Memaliaj and raised in Berat, was a grandson of the Kalemi tribe.

Friends who turned into sworn enemies / The lost drug load that started the

Ngjarja ndodhi teksa ai udhëtonte drejt vendlindjes, pranë rrethrrotullimit të TEG-ut në Tiranë. Autorët dyshohet se kishin vënë një sasi të konsiderueshme prej 150 gramësh tritol të komanduar me telekomandë, në pjesën e përparme të mjetit, e cila është aktivizuar gjatë lëvizjes dhe i shkaktoi vdekjen. Dinamika e vendosjes së bombës nuk u zbulua, kurse motiv dyshohet se janë konfliktet dhe prishja e pazareve të drogës në aksin Greqi-Shqipëri shtatë vite më parë.

Dyshohet se shkak ka qenë humbja e një sasie prej 700 kg drogë (hashash) nga Sadikaj, por që organizata dyshonte se ai e kishte shitur vetë dhe përvetësoi fitimet.

Sadikaj sapo kishte ndërtuar një resort luksoz agro-fermë në Memaliaj me kushërinjtë e tij Kalemi dhe kjo rriti dyshimet e organizatës.

16 dhjetor 2022, ekzekutohet në Tiranë biznesmeni Edmond Papa

Gjashtë muaj më pas vritet në Tiranë biznesmeni sarandiot, Edmond Papa (më parë ka mbajtur edhe mbiemrin Hoxha). Viktima biznesmen, njihej si lidhje shoqërore e vjetër e Sadikajt, para se të nisnin konfliktet në Greqi dhe më pas kaluan në armiqësi me zinxhir hakmarrjeje mes grupeve. Origjina e sagës besohet se vjen nga një burg në Greqi, nga jepeshin urdhrat për eliminime ndaj grupit të Sadikajt, për shkak të drogës së humbur.

Friends who turned into sworn enemies / The lost drug load that started the
Edmond Papa

Vrasja e Papës u deklarua nga Policia si hakmarrje për vrasjen e Sadikajt. Hetimet zbuluan të paktën 3 të rinj të implikuar në ekzekutimin e Papës, teksa pinte kafe në lokalin poshtë shtëpisë së vëllait në Selitë. Autorët e dyshuar kishin lidhje shoqërore dhe familjare me Sadikajn.

Për ekzekutimin e Papës u arrestua në fillim shoku i Andrea (Adriatik) Kalemit (ky kushëri i Sadikajt), Albano Velo, ndërsa në kërkim u shpall Andreë Bode, i arrestuar sot (28 Gusht 2024). Një prej të rinjve ishte djali i një efektivi policie në kryeqytet. Ata ndoqën nga Saranda në Tiranë shënjestrën, i cili solli nënën e sëmurë për trajtim në spital.

Papa jetonte kryesisht mes Sarandës dhe Greqisë prej vitesh dhe ishte pronar i një biznesi në qytetin bregdetar.

18 dhjetor 2022, vriten dy shqiptarë në Athinë

Ndërkohë dy ditë pas vrasjes së Edmond Papës në Tiranë, më 18 dhjetor 2022, dy shqiptarë të tjerë, Kreshnik Çerçizaj, 41 vjeç dhe Armando Organja, 44 vjeç, janë ekzekutuar me armë zjarri në një lokal në Athinë. Në fakt Çerçizaj u raportua se humbi jetën si pasojë e atakut kardiak gjatë skenës së atentatit dhe Organja ishte objektivi.

Të dy sipas mediave greke, dyshohet se ishin sulmuar për të njëjtin konflikt mes dy grupeve kriminale, i nisur shtatë vite më parë për humbjen e një ngarkese të madhe droge. Ekzekutimin e dy shqiptarëve në një lokal të lagjes Nea Smyrni, mund të ketë ardhur nga burgjet (më i përfoluri ai i Domokos) dhe ka lidhje me larjen e hesapeve mes shqiptarëve.

Më 9 gusht 2023, Andrea (Adriatik) Kalemi i shpëton atentatit

Andrea (Adriatic) Kalemi escapes the assassination attempt on the island of Pax in Greece, while he was on vacation with his 3 children and his wife. Kalemi is the first cousin of Aleksandër Sadikaj, killed in a bomb attack in 2022. The motive was suspected to be the revenge saga between the groups, as Kalemi is investigated as one of the Pope's executioners on December 16, 2022. The Pope was suspected by the group as the ordering author and organizer of blowing up Sadikaj.

At the same time, Kalemi was under investigation and search for the event two years ago in the Headquarters. Andrea Kalemi, 51 years old, has been accused and investigated for the murder of two brothers in Belgium in 2001, as he also appears to be the owner of dozens of different businesses in Albania and beyond.

On December 14, 2023, Andrea Kalemi was injured in an assassination attempt

What they failed to achieve in the first strike, the drug trafficking organization based in Greece attempted in the second. But Andrea Kalemi escaped again, as he was wounded with a knife in "Koridhalos" prison, in Greece, shortly after he was arrested. According to the Greek media, the author was a 28-year-old Egyptian, but the suspicions are about an order with the motive of the revenge saga between the groups.

On January 12, 2024, Andrea Kalemi's brother was injured

Meanwhile, an attempt was made to kill Andrea Kalemi's brother, also known as Adriatik Kalemi. A Kalashnikov was fired from a moving car at the "Smart" vehicle in which Zamir Kalemi was traveling. The young man was wounded in the leg. Although there was no official motive, it is suspected that the cause was revenge for conflicts between criminal drug clans, which started in Greece seven years ago.

On July 20, 2024, Andrea Kalemi's father was killed

Friends who turned into sworn enemies / The lost drug load that started the
Andrea Kalemi and his murdered father, Shyqo Kalemi

While they failed to kill the boys, the rival group killed in a massacre Shyqo Kalemi, 74 years old, the father of Andrea and Zamir Kalemi, also related to Aleksandër Sadikaj. Gledio Muka and M. Çela, waiter and customer, were killed by Kalashnikov bullets in a bar in Memaliaj, as the event took place in the bar of neighborhood no. 3, in Memaliaj.

A revenge saga between rival groups was again suspected as the motive. Andrea Kalemi is suspected of murdering businessman Edmond Papa in Tirana, in December 2022, and is currently in prison in Greece. The assassination order is believed to have been issued from Dubai and the perpetrators were professional hitmen.
