"I think we should also call Mr. Berisha because we have an incident...", said MP Blerina Gjylameti at the first meeting of the investigative commission for the TIMS system, surprising even the representatives of Reestablishment in the Commission.
The MP then withdrew from this proposal, justifying herself for having made irony, jokes and the like. However, journalist Adriatik Doçi raises doubts that after the surprising proposal of the deputy of the Socialist Party to release Sali Berisha from house arrest for a few hours, in order to avoid the burning of the deputy's mandate in July, a history of bargains and even payments from the Berisha family may be hidden. , in an attempt to break the criminal siege.
In order to understand the 'irony' of the socialist deputy Blerina Gjylameti, the journalist brings some facts, some circumstances and an unproven accusation.
On December 13, 2021, the chairman of PD Lulzim Basha declared that the husband of the socialist deputy Blerina Gjylameti brought from Italy the scenography for the Assembly of December 11 at the "Air Albania" stadium, when Sali Berisha, through a process still unknown by the court, took over the party , dismissing Basha, who in September had distanced himself from Berisha after being declared non grata by the US.
"Blerina Gjylameti tells Alibejat that after the 11th you won't be anymore. Her husband brought the scene to the Arena of Hajnija. They remember that they are who they were. I told Sali Berisha that I was no longer 17 years old when we met, but I am 47 years old, parent of 2 children. He is no longer treated like a child," said Basha.
Blerina Gjylameti rejected Luzim Basha's accusations as defamation. "The company you are talking about has nothing to do with me or my family members and for this we will see each other in court with the hope that you will not escape justice like every time with ridiculous excuses..." she said.
Doçi says that the PD was interested in whether the socialist deputy had filed a lawsuit for defamation. According to an official confirmation, the SP deputy had not filed any lawsuit for defamation against Lulzim Basha.
In fact, the apparent and staggering spending of the Berisha Family from September 2021 to date is a separate challenge for SPAK. Organizations in the stadium, 27 'pulpits', publicity campaigns, bodyguards, fuel, tickets, French lawyer, trial in Great Britain, trials in Tirana, a national election campaign, human resources, etc., suggest millions of euros spent, without any bill published and with complete source obscurity.
Suspicions are centered around one man: Shkëlzen with his bags. Countless accounts speak and depict it as a black and infinite box. Has Shkëlzeni paid the husband of Blerina Gjylameti for the scenography of the Assembly of December 11, 2021 and other organizations of the Reestablishment?
The husband of Blerina Gjylamati, Kostika Gjylameti, during the years 2020-2022 has declared over 100 thousand euros in income from work, which includes income from work at the company Kuadr.com. The company's object is the organization of all kinds of events.
During the 2017-2018 period, Kostika Gjylameti was also the administrator of this company, whose owner today is Aleksandër Çifligu. From January 2019 to March 2019, Kuadr.com has received 20 payments from the Directorate of Government Services. Meanwhile, the address of the event organization company Kuadr.com, which has paid Kostika Gjylameti at least until 2022, is Rruga Mustafa Matohiti, building no. 7, floor 2, floor 8, apartment 32.
The journalist writes that Berisha also lives in building number 7 on Mustafa Matohiti Street. Even on the balcony of an apartment on the 8th floor, Sali Berisha appears every night cursing SPAK. According to some property records, the palace built by Bashkim Ulaj has almost been owned by members of the Berisha Family.
Right next to this building, level 2, Argita Berisha and Jamarbër Malltezi have an apartment. Meanwhile, Kostika Gjylamenti, who has financial ties to the events company Kuadr.com, in 2010, when he was the sales director of Birra Tirana (owned by Irfan Hysenbelli through the company EGNATIA GROUP), complained that the German Embassy had refused his visa for to participate in the "Brau Beviale 2010" fair, which took place on November 10-12, 2010, in Nuremberg, Germany.
During the complaint, Kostika Gjylameti said that "I got to know the procedures that had to be followed for the visa application, since I had an Italian residence permit before, because I studied in Italy".
This statement of his shows the early connections in Italy, which is partially consistent with the statement of Lulzim Basha on December 13, 2021, who said that 'they have brought from Italy a scene of who knows how much lek costs in the stadium'. The journalist raises the question at the end: Can all these coincidences be a coincidence?!