Those dismissed from work, the compensation in the last 9 years reaches the value of 130 million euros

2024-09-05 10:39:59Biznes SHKRUAR NGA REDAKSIA VOX

The expenses for providing compensation to those dismissed from work for the period 2015 to 2023 reach the value of 13 billion alleks or about 130 million euros.

According to the data of the Ministry of Finance and Economy for Monitor, for the year 2023, a total of 975.8 million ALL were spent by both the central and local administrations for the execution of court decisions for dismissal.

So it is about employees of the central and local government who were unfairly dismissed from work, but after the final decisions of the court they received compensation.

For 2022, 1.4 billion ALL were spent on compensation for those dismissed from work. The largest amount of compensation was awarded to those dismissed from work in the central administration, namely in the amount of 1 billion ALL. Meanwhile, 324.6 million ALL was paid to those dismissed from work in the local government.

In total expenses for final court decisions, the highest payments were made by the central government. The total bill paid for layoffs from the central administration for the years 2015-2022 was calculated at 9.9 billion ALL.

The bill paid by the local government for the same period was 2.2 billion ALL. From the municipalities, the highest payments for compensation for those dismissed from work were in 2016 in the amount of 315.5 million ALL and they culminated in 2022, before the election year in the amount of 324.6 million ALL.

Likewise, in the span of 9 years, namely in the years 2015-2023, the highest bill paid to those dismissed from work who won court cases was in 2017, in the amount of 1.8 billion ALL.

So the state budget expenditure bill, as a result of the illegal termination of labor relations and the benefit of financial compensation from those who left, is expected to change, as a high number of remaining stock files are expected to be examined.

According to the data of the Supreme Judicial Council, until September 2023, the stock of backlog files in the Administrative Court of Appeal reached 23,104 cases. From the total stock, 13% of them were files for employment relations.

According to the lawyers, the reasonable terms for judging cases in the Court of Administrative Appeals are 3 years. Likewise, according to the lawyers, many cases regarding the review of those dismissed from work are being overturned by the Supreme Court with the argument that they do not contain reasons for recourse. As a result, those dismissed from their jobs are turning to the Constitutional Court for review of their files.

The High State Control also in the 2023 annual report raises the concern that in the audited companies, cases of significant payments continue to be found due to losses in court proceedings as a result of unfair dismissals, specifically in at least 5 entities: Albpetrol sh.a., OSHEE sh.a., KESH sh.a., Albanian Post sh.a., UKT sh.a. etc.

"Despite the occasional recommendations given by KLSH, public companies continue to award bonuses in violation of the legal and regulatory framework, specifically without their approval in superior bodies and/or in conditions where the company itself has had a negative financial result", it is quoted. in the report./ MONITOR
