The government's policy is oriented towards the marketing of professional education, in order to fulfill the requirements of businesses for the workforce. Referring to the data of the National Agency for Employment and Skills, there were 15,042 students registered in vocational education secondary schools for the 2022-2023 school year. The number of people enrolled in vocational education is higher in the regions of Tirana, Durrës, Elbasan and Shkodër, respectively 36%, 14%, 10% and 9% of the total.
But what are the most favorite crafts?
The departments with the highest number of registered students are Hospitality-Tourism, Transport Vehicle Services, Information and Communication Technology, Electrotechnics, Economics-Business and Thermohydraulics. These courses are followed by 74% of students enrolled in Vocational Education.
While the most frequented profiles are Electroauto Services, Kitchen-Pastry, Vehicle Services, Data Networks (GIZ pilot), Accounts, Trade, Electrical Installations, Programming and ICT User Support, which are followed by 42% of profiled students .
In order to increase participation in professional education, AKPA initiated changes in the VKM of scholarships in order to increase the amount and beneficiary categories. According to the decision, the following students benefit from the scholarship: girls, students with orphan status, those enrolled in primary courses, Roma/Egyptians, students from families with economic assistance, etc. From the total number of students registered in AP, it turns out that 4,237 or 28% of them benefit from scholarships. About 88% of the beneficiary students receive a full scholarship and the rest a partial scholarship.
This year, the Ministry of Education has launched the "Choose a Craft" campaign in all the country's schools with parents, students and teachers, for the orientation of students towards professional education, as the key to success for secure employment.