The Austrian writer, Robert Menasse, in an interview with DW about his latest novel "Enlargement", about Albania as a candidate country and the current trends within the EU.
The book by the Austrian writer, Robert Menasse, "Expansion", which has also been translated into Albanian, was recently presented in Tirana and Pristina. The novel talks about Albania as a candidate for EU membership in contrast to the current trends that prevail in the ranks of the EU.
Why does Europe need Albania?
There are many reasons. For me, the most important reason is that the Western Balkans simply belong to Europe and have always been perceived as a crisis region. If anyone here can bring peace, it is the EU peace project, because all national borders disappear, a common market is created and also a uniform legal system is very important. There are other reasons, as Mrs. Merkel has said, Albania has the largest reserves of copper and chrome in Europe and the German industry needs this, another reason that makes me laugh...
Why is the book called "Expansion"?
Because it has to do with the countries that want to enter the EU, while from the EU's side, this is seen as expansion. I was interested to find out what it is like to live in this country (Albania), what is the mentality, culture, etc. In Albania, where the vast majority of the population wants to enter the EU, while there are members who violate European law and block European development. This is a terrible objection. Moreover, another reason that convinced me to join the EU is the great optimism and dynamism I felt there, despite the member states that today are very pessimistic, with fears and doubts about the future. An injection of optimism would do the EU good.
Why did you use the image of Skanderbeg on the cover of the book?
Skanderbeg is an interesting figure. Historically, it is a European hero who fought against the Ottomans and defended the Christian West. At that time, there were memorials to him in many European cities, but when the creation of nations began, he was forgotten, because he did not represent a national hero. Afterwards, he became a national hero in Albania. He was the first to unite clans, ethnic groups and tribes and thus laid the basis for Albania's citizenship. This dialectic of the European national hero interested me.
Many think that you have included the Albanian prime minister in the protagonists of the book. Does this conjecture hold?
Yes, the Albanian prime minister is the Albanian prime minister. In my novel he is just like in reality. To invent anything else would be childish. He is a very interesting case in European politics because, as far as I know, he is the only head of state who is also a well-known artist and has artists in his team of advisers, which is very unusual and of course it piqued my interest. .
The EU needs reforms, but is unable to implement them. Should I press a "reset" button before a new extension?
If it was done quickly, it would definitely be helpful. But now the situation in the EU is very complicated. European development, which was supposed to transcend nationalism, is now blocked by the resurgence of nationalism in some member states. The situation has only one good way out, or one terrible way. The good path is to manage to rebuild the idea of ??the EU and embed it again in the consciousness of European citizens, showing that everything achieved so far has improved the life and peace of all Europeans. This is how institutional reform can be carried out and work can be done for a European Constitution. If it goes the wrong way and the EU breaks up, then misery will follow, and there may even be civil war. Then people will say that this should never have happened and everything will start all over again.