Hello everyone!
I have a civic and professional obligation to make this public reaction due to the mention of my name in the conversations that are claimed to be between third parties in May and June of 2020 in the latest SPAK file for Suel Çela's criminal organization where suspected of crimes two fellow journalists are also criminally charged.
First of all, I want to distance myself from any mention of my name in that material where there is talk between Suel Çela and Artan Hoxha about interfering with me in favor of the citizen Bujar Shega.
I have not been contacted by my colleague Artan Hoxha, nor by Suel Çela , nor by Bujar Shega , nor by anyone else to stop or reduce materials related to the topic of Tauland Maze's disappearance . I was neither offered a bribe nor pressured.
I am sorry that my colleague Artan Hoxha has reached this point to make me be something that does not exist and to take other colleagues by mouth and speak on their behalf. With this colleague, because we have nothing in common (apart from the fact that many years ago we worked in the same editorial office), I have spoken on the phone only twice in the last four years (on WhatsApp) and none of them for interference and random meetings in the studio of the show Opinion where we were co-invited guests. I feel so bad when I find out what he did.
Let's get back to the topic. I want to clarify that I have covered for the first time in the media in two different shows (for this I feel proud) on January 20, 2020 and February 3, 2020 the disappearance under suspicious circumstances of the citizen Tauland Maze or known as Anthony Janushi.
A citizen who in 2015 was allegedly ambushed and kidnapped in the city of Tirana and his phone signal was last heard in Peq.
For this citizen, there are strong suspicions that he was kidnapped, killed and his body disappeared as a result of suspicions that he was involved in the murder of the two Tola brothers in Holland.
The subject of my show has been the disappearance of this person and the connection with the Holland incident as well as the intervention to bury this matter in all aspects.
Due to the fact that it was a case that was suspended from the investigation, since the families of Tauland Maze and Anthony Janushi were afraid to further search for the truth or to speak out, we have reflected the important information that was discovered in those two shows and we have raised numerous questions about the quality of the investigation and the non-performance of other investigative actions.
Among other things, in the two published shows that you can easily find on YouTube and Rtv Klan, apart from the father who was the accuser, we have decided that for ethical and legal reasons the names of all persons in the capacity of potential witnesses, the person who has knowledge of the circumstances of the We put the crime in an anonymized way, that is, with initials. Putting it in a criminal, political, police and investigation context.
Something that I clarified in the show of January 20, 2020 and that of February 3, 2020. The anonymized subject (with initials) for the testimony given was the citizen Bujar Shega alias Marsel Shega, who accepted the recognition and was related social network of the missing Tauland Maze or Anthony Janushi.
About whom the father of the missing person spoke in the report that he was the person who was suspected of having threatened his son shortly before the disappearance.
While for Spak I have this clarification, the links that are claimed to be reduced are part of the full video and have been separated as such so that important issues of the full show can be easily found as a short video.
The entire broadcast is public and nothing has been tampered with. As of February 3, 2020, we have had no other data that would help us to proceed further.
The truth of this case is public, it cannot be hidden, the videos are public unredacted. Today, almost 10 years later, the truth about the fate of Tauland Maze is still a mystery.
Who were the powerful people who intervened?
Why did he never initiate a serious investigation, to clarify two events, the one in Rotterdam with two victims and the one in Tirana with a missing person, that cell phones last went out in Peqin. Without a body there is no crime.
Who were the high officials of the police, prosecution and politics who decided to bury the investigation and keep it a media secret for 5 years in a row?
Our mission is to stand up for the truth and speak out to raise awareness of institutions to act when we find injustice and negligence and not remain silent. We cannot go further when there is no political, police and investigative will of the prosecutor's office to investigate the truth of this incident and clarify the incident. The names of the persons who initiated this investigation are in the documents. There have been officers with integrity who wanted to do work but were not allowed. There have been leaders of the police, prosecutor's office and politicians who intervened to prevent an investigation.
This is the question, who intervened and why? Who were the threads and the maneuvers they did to hide this event?
Dy emisionet që unë bëra që vijojnë të jenë publike ranë në vesh të shurdhër nga të gjithë institucionet. Shpresoj shumë që SPAK me materialet e reja që ka në dispozicion nga transkriptet e Sky ecc të zbardhë të vërtetën e vrasjes së vëllezërve Tola dhe fatin enigmatik të Tauland Mazes.
Titujt e emisioneve të plota në youtube ku mund ti gjeni lehtësisht janë :
1. Uniko - Roterdam -Tirane, ku u zhduk Taulandi? (20 janar 2020) - https://tvklan.al/roterdam-tirane-ku-u-zhduk-taulandidhe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWvRwcXcrrA
2. Provat e reja nga zhdukja e Tauland Mazes në vitin 2015 - https://tvklan.al/provat-e-reja-nga-zhdukja-e-tauland-mazes-ne-vitin-2015dhe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHasv5rImqc
Po ashtu ju ftoj kush nuk i ka parë të ndjek në Youtube dy emisionet që kam bërë në fund të qershorit dhe fillim korrikut 2020 me titull “Vrasjet e Përsosura të Elbasanit” ku kam guxuar të përshkruaj shumë gjëra që nuk ishin thënë për grupet kriminale, ku kam bërë një përshkrim të detajuar për grupin Çela si dhe dëshmia e Shkëlqim Pepkolës ish zyrtar i larte i policise Elbasan, që foli nga vendi ku kishte vajtur për të kërkuar azil specifikisht për grupin “Çela” dhe rritjen e frikshme që kishte marrë ky grup dhe mbeshtetjen që i ofrohej këtij grupi në këtë qytet.
Uniko - "Vrasjet e persosura" te Elbasanit! (29 Qershor 2020) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqm9DmnhdSM&t=2132s
Uniko - “Vrasjet e persosura” te Elbasanit 2005-2015! (Pjesa II) - 6 Korrik 2020 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUkQKUhkhds&t=2966s
Uroj shumë që dy kolegët gazetarë të sqarojnë pozicionin e tyre para ligjit,në raport me kolegët dhe veçanërisht me publikun si dhe uroj të jenë të pafajshëm. Pres nga Artan Hoxha një shpjegim. Po ashtu uroj që SPAK të vijojë punën me profesionalizëm për të zbardhur ngjarjet e vjetra duke çrrënjosur kulturën e pandëshkueshmërisë dhë të paprekshmëve. Endërra për një Shqipëri të ndryshme duhet të jetë energjia që të na bëj të ndihemi gjallë.
Sqaroj se dhe hetimet per organizaten Çopja ju kujtohet perflitet dhe del se në biseda se nje gazetar ka kërkuar 120 mije euro që te mos fliste më kundra emrave të tyre vëllezërve Çopja, Kel Kamamit, Altin Ndocit dhe Talo Celes.
SPAK duhet të bej publike emrin dhe të vër para përgjegjësise çdo gazetar që është bërë palë me bandat dhe ka mbyllur gojën në këmbim të shukut me euro dhe lekë.
Është i njëjti grup Çopja që mbështeste Talo Çelen dhe e financonte të kryente vrasje, të cilin e kam marrë në intervistë në Korrikun e vitit 2020. Kushti im i vetem për atë intervistë kanë qenë pyetjet. Qq unë mos të kushtëzohesha të pyesja dhe siç del më vone në bisedat e sky ecc, ai ankohet se i kishte mbetur në mendje përse e kisha pyetur për vëllezërit Çala etj.
I am proud that for the realization of that interview and others, I have not been tainted and I think that I have shown a high professional standard by focusing only on the mission to uncover the truth with questions that put organized criminals in difficulty and not to ``advertised fresh to them.
I am aware that this sector is difficult and dangerous for everyone who reports against crime.
But dignity is and should be more important than anything else.
Whoever has received money from criminal organizations and has spoken in their name and on their behalf, should no longer practice this profession.