Her son is accused of being a pimp, the mother accuses the 16-year-old: She is like that, we have no bread to eat!

2024-07-24 13:25:12Aktualitet SHKRUAR NGA REDAKSIA VOX
PHOTO: Marcel Baçi

Marsel Baçi , 26 years old, is suspected of being the person who used a minor for prostitution for several years, who recently reported to the police.

In a statement to the local media, Marsel Baci's mother, Shega, said that it was the minor girl who wrote to her constantly.

She added that they are in a difficult economic situation and that it is not true that her son used her for prostitution.

"Marseli with that girl from Leminoti, she took him, talked to him. It was her own fault, she messed up a lot. Marceli has not done anything, I have no sons like that, we have no bread to eat. Here we live with one room. The girl also wrote to my other son, but he insulted her. It didn't last long. She is like that. Everyone curses him. She is not human. Marcel talked to me about the girl, I told him not to get confused, he said that she wrote to him herself. I talked to the girl once, I told her don't mess with my son. She gave him her fb, her number. Marcel is innocent. Everyone in Leminot knows him," she said.

Meanwhile, Marsel Baçi's sister-in-law, Asja Lozhani, said that the girl sent her photos and tried to talk to her husband as well.

"Marsel is my brother-in-law. They came at 1 o'clock at night, they were going to interrogate him, they didn't tell him that they were going to arrest him. She wrote to herself on Facebook. When I came 6 months ago, she was talking to Marcel. Marceli used to say I don't love her, but she wrote to him. I don't believe that Marcel raped her. Marseli told me that she wrote to him herself. She also wrote to my husband. He took photos. The man told him that you have no business with me. He talked to both brothers" , said the sister-in-law.

In connection with the case, the 41-year-old citizen, Selam Hyka, who is suspected of having violent sexual intercourse with the 16-year-old girl, was arrested.

The investigation continues for the other persons involved in this serious event.
