Two police officers have been suspended in Fier and Berat, after being accused of various criminal offences.
The Police Supervision Agency has implemented the order of the Prosecution for the execution of the decision of the Court of Fier, which has set the measure of personal security "Suspension of the exercise of a duty or public service" and "Prohibition of going abroad" for the police officer Inspector BD , 30 years old, with the duty of General Patrol Officer at the Divjak Police Station, suspected of the criminal offenses "Abuse of duty" and "Production and sale of narcotics".
From the investigative actions, it was documented that the police officer was involved in the illegal activity of distributing narcotics.
The measure of personal security assigned by the Court of First Instance of the General Jurisdiction Berat "Suspension of the exercise of a duty or public service" for the police officer A. Ç., 57 years old, with the duty of assistant specialist of community policing, at the Police Station of the Berat Police, suspected of the criminal offense "Abuse of duty".
From the conducted investigations, the finding of several cases of illegal constructions in the Velabisht Administrative Unit, the area of ??responsibility of this police officer, who has allowed the continuation of illegal constructions against the benefit of monetary values, has been documented.