Coffee or macchiato? Science puts an end to the dilemma, which one to choose to consume every day!

2024-08-12 14:57:38Aktualitet SHKRUAR NGA REDAKSIA VOX

Coffee is one of the most consumed drinks all over the world and also in our country.

But those who think that coffee is strong for them, choose to "soften" it with milk.

But scientists do not agree with this and have a number of arguments, as follows:

Calories and fat

A cup of coffee without milk contains 10 calories and no fat. The content of these two increases depending on the amount and type of milk used. A cup of nonfat milk contains 90 calories.


Ground and brewed instant coffee has more caffeine than an espresso. Coffees mixed with milk have less caffeine.

If excess acidity harms you, then milk can soften its level. People who suffer from heartburn say that milk makes coffee more acceptable to the body.


If calcium or other nutritional values ??are necessary for you, then you can use coffee with milk. However, the amount of milk and calcium in a cup of coffee is too small to make a major difference to your health.


If you are affected by lactose intolerance, then the healthiest option for you is brown coffee.
