The 1 million euros seized from SPAK were found buried, who are the two associates who were cleaning the money of the Çopja brothers

2024-08-06 22:03:59Aktualitet SHKRUAR NGA REDAKSIA VOX

New details were made available from the SPAK operation, conducted on July 29 last month, in cooperation with the Dutch, Belgian, French, Europol and Eurojust counterparts, where the criminal organization was the target of the investigation led by the Elbasan-based brothers Hajdar and Franc Çopja, which operated in the trafficking of narcotics, as well as that of murders in Albania and several European countries.

During this operation, SPAK found and seized a considerable amount of money amounting to about 1 million euros.

According to journalist Elton Qyno, the sum of euros found by police officers were buried hidden in hajdar baco's backyard.

This monetary amount, which belongs to curscions of different denominations, is locked in a bank account that is administered by the Special Prosecution Office.

Meanwhile, SPAK prosecutors investigating the no.75 prosecution, claim that through the conversations of "SKY", they have revealed the money transfer line from some foreign countries to Albania.

Starting from the investigation, the transfer of money coming from criminal activity was made through an exchange point (Exchange) in the capital, which is administered by two citizens Maklen Mici and Bashkim Lika, both of whom were placed under investigation by SPAK under the charge of "Cleaning the Products of criminal offense".

This foreign exchange point since September 13, 2007 is located on the "4 february" street opposite the Bank of Albania in Tirana, where 60 percent of the shares are owned by Bashkim Lika and 40 percent of its ownership is owned by Maklen Mici.

Also, Mici and Lika, according to Ora News, on March 24, 2023, they opened in the capital a construction company called "B&M CONSTRUCTION", which would again serve dirty money laundering.

The announcement earlier SPAK said that the two Çopja brothers had hired third parties to launder money coming from criminal organizations, mainly in the construction sector through fictitious companies created.

According to SPAK, intensive investigations have been obtained data of interest in the assets, investments and assets of two brothers in Albania, forms used by them and persons involved in the process of laundering the products of criminal offense or criminal activity.

“… The use of the construction sector by criminal organizations is identified, where through third persons has injected and invested considerable cash amounts for the realization of the construction of residential buildings in the construction process as well as in the construction of buildings/residential complexes from the beginning..." - stated in the notification of the special prosecution office SPAK.

Following the investigation, SPAK points out that this criminal organization has invested in the opening of economic operators, as well as the use of existing economic operators with activities in Albania. These operators are registered in the name of their social, friendly and collaborative connections, not exposing the "de facto" possessors and their use as camouflage/concealing the true nature of the source and activity, with the purpose of laundering money, which results from criminal activity.

Also, according to SPAK one of the brothers Franc Çopja has realized the transfer of considerable cash values through the use of foreign exchange offices inside and outside the country.

Franc Çopja has sent this money to his trusted persons with the intention of making payments for the ordered murders, or to make investments in accounts of his name and brother in Albania and in some other countries abroad.
