Former Prime Minister Sali Berisha and five deputies of Reestablishment have been excluded for 10 days from the works of the Assembly due to the chaos caused in the previous session.
Apart from Berisha, MPs Gazment Bardhi, Albana Vokshi, Edi Paloka, Elda Hoti and Flamur Noka have been expelled for 10 days.
The latter tried to set the Assembly hall on fire, setting fire to the chairs thrown in front of the pulpit.
In the request for exclusion signed by 7 MPs of the SP, it is stated that Sali Berisha occupied the pulpit, Bardhi insulted the Socialist MP Petro Koçi, Edi Paloka tried to hit him.
"MP Bardhi tried to take the card from MP Petro Koçi's electronic device while he was speaking. Also, the deputy Edi Paloka approached MP Koçi and tried to hit him. Deputy Sali Berisha prevented the orderly development of the plenary session by occupying the floor of the Assembly, causing chaos in the hall, insulting the deputies and the leader of the session", it was said in the request of the SP.
For the chaotic actions in the Assembly, Flamur Noka and Albana Vokshi have also been sued in SPAK.