Other details about the serious accident in Vlora are revealed this morning.
The accident is suspected to have happened due to speed.
Meanwhile, two young boys are the victims of the accident, around the age of 30-35. One of them from Bubullima e Lushnjës and one from Kavaja.
The driver of the truck together with the passenger had loaded the truck with gravel and were descending from the Kanina area to Orikum.
It is not known if the brakes were defective or not working, but the driver of the vehicle, who for fear of going off the road and falling into the abyss, turned in the middle of the road and collided with the side of the rock.
The collision was so strong that both bodies came out of the truck windshield, and the load of gravel covered both bodies.
One has been identified and appears, but a second body is being sought. Firefighters, police and ambulance are at the scene.
The serious incident happened this morning, around 10:40, in the Orikum-Kanina bypass, where works are being carried out.