Albania will further strengthen measures to protect against cyber attacks. The law recently published in the Official Gazette, provides that in 5 years the financial effects for this purpose will reach about 11.5 billion ALL. In this figure, the costs for the infrastructure for cyber security, costs for the establishment and implementation of standards, as well as the costs for the increase of capacities are foreseen. Everything will be implemented by the National Authority for Electronic Certification and Cyber ??Security (AKCESK), the National Information Society Agency (AKSHI), as well as regional institutions, independent institutions and law enforcement institutions.
For the management of cyber security emergencies, such as the case of the attack on the e-Albania portal, or the TIMS system that records entries and exits at border points, the CERT team has been established which will work in situations where the security of information or networks electronic communications has been violated, putting the public interest at risk.
In case of a cyber incident, or potential threat, warning measures, countermeasures or protective measures of a general nature are applied. When critical information infrastructure operators commit violations related to the implementation of cyber security measures, fines of up to ALL 10 million are imposed.
The National Cyber ??Security Authority is collaborating with international organizations to further strengthen defense against cyber attacks. As a result of the European integration process, Albania regularly reports on cyber incidents to the Cyber ??Security Agency of the European Union and coordinates with the European Network of Cyber ??Crisis Liaison Organizations, to increase the level of preparedness for the management of security incidents and crises. cyberspace on a large scale.
The speed of change in information and communication technology increases the risk of cyber attacks day by day. Many businesses, government agencies and individuals store large amounts of sensitive and confidential data electronically, including personal information, health records, intellectual property, trade and government secrets. The aggressive cyber attacks of 2022 against Albania, which put many of the government systems at risk, showed once again the importance of protecting the information infrastructure.