The Ministry of Education and Sports has decided to suspend classes in 77 schools across the country due to bad weather.
The north, northeast and eastern areas from Pogradec, Korça to Ersekë are the areas most affected by the heavy snowfall, where in some cases the thickness has reached up to 50 centimeters, completely blocking traffic, mostly in deep mountainous areas.
While the south of the country, mainly the city of Vlora, has faced heavy rainfall and strong winds.
Teaching is temporarily suspended in 77 schools in several areas of the country due to severe weather conditions until further notice.
The Ministry of Education and Sports informs that, due to the situation aggravated by bad weather, the recommendations of the authorities responsible for civil emergencies, as well as reports from local education offices, tomorrow, January 13, 2025, the teaching process is temporarily suspended in 77 central schools and their subordinate schools, where heavy snowfall and difficult weather conditions make it impossible to carry out the teaching process.
The situation is problematic in several schools in the areas of Bulqiza, Mati, Dibra, Kruja, Has, Kukës, Mirdita, Kurbin, Puka, etc. The teaching process in these schools is suspended until further notice and will be replaced in the coming weeks.
This decision was made to ensure the safety of students, teachers, and educational staff in the areas most affected by bad weather.
The Ministry of Education and Sports is in constant communication with local authorities and civil emergency headquarters to monitor the situation and take further measures, if deemed necessary.
We remain fully committed to ensuring the safety of students, teachers and educational staff and will inform the public of any changes in the situation.
We invite all parents and students to follow further announcements and instructions and to maintain constant contact with school leaders for necessary information.
We thank everyone for their understanding and cooperation.
Below is the list of schools where classes are temporarily suspended until further notice:
“Abdyrrahman Përmeti” School Mat
School 26 Korriku Bruç, Urakë, Rremull, Rukaj, Mat
School “Rexhep Kërtuka” School Mat
SHMB Zall- Dardhë, Dibër
9-year school “Hasan Leka” Shumbat, Dibër
9-year school “Ibrahim Gjorgji” Radomire, Dibër
9-year school Selishte, Dibër
9-year school “Fiqiri Cani” Lishan i Poshtem, Dibër
SHMB “Ajet Ndreu” Slove, Dibër
“Arberia” School, Bulqizë
School “Rifat Manjani”, Bulqizë
School “Shefqet Tançi”, Bulqizë
School “Xhevdet Doda”, Bulqizë
School “Asllan Keta”, Bulqizë
School Demokracia, Bulqizë
School “Ismail Jangulli”, Bulqizë
School “Jashar Kola”, Bulqizë
School “Ibrahim Daçi”, Bulqizë
School “Man Jella”, Bulqizë
School Gjorice e Siperme, Bulqizë
School “Faslli Cami”, Bulqizë
School “Elez Koçi”, Bulqizë
School “Shaban Elmaz Ostreni”, Bulqizë
School “10 Deshmoret”, Bulqizë
School “Jani Fullani”, Bulqizë
Shishtave United School Kukës
9-year school Kalimash, Kukës
9-year school Mamëz, Kukës
9-year school Orogjost, Kukës
9-year school Cinamakë, Kukës
Shën Mëri School Kukës
United School Zapod, Kukës
9-year school Malqene, Ujmisht, Kukës
Bushtrice United School, Kukës
Helshan, Has 9
-year school Letaj Has
9-year school Metaliaj Has
9-year school Fajza Has
School Metaliaj, Has
United High School Golaj Has
School Sejdi Dida, Has
9-year school Vlahen Has
9-year school Nikolic Has
9-year school Tregtan Has
69-Skenderbeu High School, Has
United School “Mark Jaku” Pukë
United School “Nikoll Lleshi” Gjegjan, Pukë
Iballë School, Pukë
Perlat Qender School, Mirditë
9-year school “Mark Trokthi”, Kurbin
9-year school “Gjin Pjetri”, Kurbin
9-year school No.3, Kurbin
9-year school “Gjoke Elezi”, Kurbin
9-year school, “Gjon Gjonaj”, Kurbin
9-year school “Migjeni”, Kurbin
9-year school “Besnik Syla”, Kurbin
9-year school “Demokracia”, Kurbin
9-year school “Ismail Dema”, Kurbin
9-year school “Dan Bajrami”, Kurbin
9-year school “Fran Pal Piroli”, Kurbin
Milot 9th Grade School, Kurbin
“28 Nentori” 9th Grade School, Kurbin
“Cub Çapani” 9th Grade School, Kurbin
Shullaz 9th Grade School, Kurbin
School 9- Year Old Skuraj, Kurbin
School 9- Year Old “Nike Tom Prela”, Kurbin
School 9- Year Old Adriatik, Kurbin
School 9- Year Old “Nikoll Miri”, Kurbin
High School “At Shtjefen Gjeçovi” Kurbin
High School “Arif Halil Sulaj” Mamuras,
High School “At Shtjefen Kurti” Gorre,
High School Milot
“Hamdi Mansaku” School Tirana
School “Bahri Nela” Tirana
School “Zenel Bastari” Tirana
School “Vilëz” Tirana
ShMB Shëngjergj School Tirana