The 'superman' challenge on Tik Tok puts your life at risk, 11 high school students in hospital in North Macedonia

2024-12-06 09:19:54Kosova&Bota SHKRUAR NGA REDAKSIA VOX

In Skopje, in less than four days, at least 11 high school students ended up with injuries and fractures at the Naum Ohridski Hospital alone, following the "superman" TikTok trend.

It is a dangerous challenge among high school students, but also elementary school students, which is increasingly present in schools.

In Zelenikovo, Skopje, near the primary school, a father reported to the police that his son suffered serious injuries from this challenge.

The challenge is for someone to jump with one arm outstretched like the comic book character Superman and the group throws the challenged boy or girl into the air. He jumps over a group of children who will either catch him or not. This video was made in one of the high schools in Skopje.

Also in some elementary schools, eighth and ninth graders accept this challenge. Videos often show that the group moves aside and the child falls directly onto the concrete. The director of the “Naum Ohridski” hospital, Nebojasha Nastov, explains that the children have various injuries.

Doctors say that such challenges are very dangerous. Injuries can have much more serious consequences for children's health, writes Alsat
