For the first time, average housing sales prices are calculated for each cadastral area of ??Tirana, 60 other municipalities and 23 administrative units nationwide.
The average sale prices of apartments in the free market are published in the Official Gazette, which enter into force after the publication of the order of the Minister of Economy, Culture and Innovation.
The National Housing Authority (EKB) explained to Monitor that the sale prices of apartments calculated for the first time for each cadastral area in the Republic of Albania will serve as a reference to assess whether to decide to purchase apartments or build social housing in local units, as well as to determine the limit for granting soft loans by the state.
"The prices serve to assess whether, in the territory of a local self-government unit, it is more economical to build or buy ready-made buildings on the market."
Prices are used as a reference level in cases where it is decided to purchase housing on the open market.
"They are used to determine the maximum lending limit, the amount of loan interest subsidies, and assist in the procedure for granting this loan to families who benefit from low-cost housing, with loans facilitated by the state," writes Monitor .
In Tirana, the average sale-purchase price in the free market is 124,316 lek per square meter. The Municipality of Tirana is divided into several cadastral zones for which average prices have been determined.
In the municipality of Durrës, the average sales price is estimated at 71,157 lek per square meter.
In the municipality of Vlora, the price is estimated at 68,680 lek per square meter.
In Saranda, 88,050 lek per square meter. In the municipality of Fier, the average sale price is 55,375 lek per square meter.
In administrative units such as Farka, the average price has been calculated at 157,000 lek per square meter, in Dajt 82,280 lek per square meter, in Ishëm 93,000 lek, in Dhërmi 186,400 lek, etc.
The calculation of average selling prices is based on the methodology approved in instruction no. 1 dated 17.03.2023.
The methodology stipulates that the average market price for each cadastral area is calculated as the arithmetic mean of all prices per square meter. In calculating the average price, the prices of the highest tenth group (decile) are excluded from the calculation, when the average price of this group is 1.3 times higher than the average of the other nine groups.