5 days after the arrest and release of Martin Mane, the son of businessman Samir Mane, Versus reveals for the first time the report that the State Police sent to the Prosecutor's Office on this case.
This report explains that Martin Mane, on January 12, at 04:13 in the morning, crashed two motorcycles in front of the Parliament. After the motorcycles crashed, he drove away and 15 minutes later, the Traffic Police found him at "Luigj Gurakuqi". The officers asked him to take an alcohol test, but he refused.
Martin Mane claimed to suffer from allergies. He was then escorted to the Police where he was again invited to take the alcohol test and refused to do so. At this point, according to the Prosecution, the Judicial Police took blood samples without his consent. This led the Prosecution to consider his arrest as unlawful and release him.
On the day of the incident, the State Police explained that Martin Mane was drunk and this result came from blood test samples. The way these samples were taken seems to be the cause of the pressures that are suspected to have been the reason why the police officer who handled his case, Azbi Spahiu, jumped from the 11th floor of a building in the capital.
The police report states that, on 12.01.2025, at 04.13, the operations room announced that in front of the Parliament a vehicle..., crashed into 2 parked motorcycles with license plates... and drove off in the direction of the 9th floor. The traffic police service went in front of the Parliament where they found 2 parked and damaged motorcycles. At 04.35, the police services found at the Luigj Gurakuqi intersection the car with license plates AB... driven by citizen MM and found that the vehicle had minor damage. The driver of the vehicle was invited to take an alcohol test, but claimed to suffer from allergies. He was then escorted to the police station and was invited again to take an alcohol test, but again claimed to suffer from allergies. He also refused to take a blood sample, claiming to suffer from allergies.
Then the judicial police, without respecting the procedure provided for by article 201/a point "5" of the Code of Criminal Procedure, (procedure for taking blood samples without the person's consent) on 12.01.2025, at 09.25', carried out the arrest in flagrante delicto of citizen M. M, as a suspect for the criminal offenses "Disobedience to the order of a public order police officer" and "Leaving the scene of an accident" provided for by articles 242 and 273 of the Criminal Code. Also, against citizen MM, it took administrative measures according to the requirements provided for by articles 127/3/1, 184/2/c/6/10 and 187/1/6/8 of law no. 8378, dated 22.07.1998 "On the Road Code of the Republic of Albania".
On 13.01.2025, the police filed a report and the prosecutor's office registered criminal proceedings No. 167 dated 13.01.2025 for the criminal offenses "Disobedience to the order of a public order police officer" and "Leaving the scene of an accident" provided for in Articles 242 and 273 of the Criminal Code, against citizen MM.
Meanwhile, since citizen MM was arrested for the criminal offenses of "Disobedience to the order of a public order police officer" and "Leaving the scene of an accident" provided for in articles 242 and 273 of the Criminal Code, it was assessed that the criteria for arrest in flagrante delicto provided for in article 251 of the Criminal Procedure Code were not respected and for this reason, the release of citizen MM and the continuation of investigations against him, at large, was ordered./ VERSUS